Of course, an Nashville automatic gate is situated outside so it faces all kinds of elements. It’s also being used every day, so the mechanisms and motors are susceptible to wear and tear, meaning an Nashville automatic gate often suffers from operating problems that may require professional repairs.
When it comes to getting repairs, you always want the job to be done as quickly as possible, so it helps to have some information ready before you call for repairs. This will help the repair company identify the problem you’re having and make it easier to get a quick solution.
Be sure to have these 4 pieces of info ready before calling for an Nashville automatic gate repair:
What the Problem Is
It seems obvious but you should always have information on what the problem is with the gate. For instance, is it not opening or closing? Does the gate stop halfway as it opens? Is it making strange noises or producing an odd smell? Is the remote controller not working?
There could be any number of reasons that your gate isn’t working properly and the repair company will know what to look out for. So, by giving them a quick rundown of the problem you are facing they can identify the cause and how to fix it.
Gate Type
There are various types of automatic Nashville gates and some problems are exclusive to each type. Therefore, you want to have the information on what type of gate you have installed so that the repair company knows exactly what they are dealing with.
For example, problems with an automatic sliding gate often relates to the gate track. It could be a problem specific to sliding gates, such as clogged gate track, or more general Nashville automatic gate problem such a faulty motor.
Always identify the type of gate you have, such as a swing gate, sliding gate, telescopic gate, or bi-folding gate. This makes troubleshooting quicker and easier for the person on the phone!
Motor Type
You should also have information on what type of motor your gate uses, as different motors have different issues. For example, underground gate motors often get flooded due to poor drainage and/or clogging, which may cause the motor to fail.
There could be any number of electrical or mechanical issues with an Nashville automatic gate motor, so it helps to know what type you have so that the repair technician can determine what the cause of the problem might be.
Gate Location
The location of the gate may be at the root of the problem it is having, which is why it helps to have some quick info on where the gate is on your property. For instance, if an Nashville automatic gate is located on a slope the motor is under more strain than a gate on level ground, so this could be the cause of the problem.
For top-notch automatic Nashville gates for your home or business, Paramount Gate Company is the trusted local choice. To get ideas and to see some recent examples of our work, take a look at our gallery page. When you are looking for a new gate or any related equipment, we welcome you to either contact us through our website or call us at 615.840.5027 and one of our friendly representatives will be glad to answer any questions you have, or arrange a free consultation with no obligation.